/ Project Re-Vision: Reflecting on the Methodological and Pedagogical Possibilities of Digital Storytelling

Project Re-Vision: Reflecting on the Methodological and Pedagogical Possibilities of Digital Storytelling

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MACK 225

By Dr. Carla Rice, Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair, College of Social and Applied Human Sciences.

Dr. Rice will discuss Project Re-Vision, a CIHR-funded arts-based research project that uses the power of the arts to positively influence healthcare practitioners’ perspectives on disability. She explores how the digital stories produced through Project Re-Vision disrupt bio-pedagogical ways of teaching and work to open up non-didactic possibilities for living in/with difference.

Sponsored by ‘Initiatives in Global Justice’, and the Canada Research Chair in Ethics & Global Social Change.  For details, contact Monique Deveaux, Dept. of Philosophy mdeveaux@uoguelph.ca.

Link to Dr. Carla Rice poster

Link to Dr. Carla Rice audio