Selected Publications & Recent Talks
by current and former lab members

Monique Deveaux
Monique Deveaux. 2017. Appeals to Choice and Sexual Equality in the Controversy Over the Hijab and Niqab. In M.C. Foblet et al. (Eds.), (Not) Outside My Culture: the Paradoxes of Personal Autonomy in a Plural Society, Routledge.
Monique Deveaux. 2016. Exploitation, Structural Injustice, and the Cross-Border Trade in Human Ova. The Journal of Global Ethics, 12(1), 48-68.
Monique Deveaux. 2006. Gender and Justice in Multicultural Liberal States. Oxford University Press.
Candace Johnson
Candace Johnson. 2023. Reproductive Subjects and Shifting Global Health Policy Discourses. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 48(2), 455-478.
Candace Johnson. 2023. The End of the Maternal Health Moment: An Examination of Canada’s Evolving Global Reproductive Policy Commitments. International Feminist Journal of Politics, 25(1), 54-75.
Candace Johnson. 2016. Maternal Transition: A North-South Politics of Pregnancy and Childbirth. Routledge.
Marie-Pier Lemay
Marie-Pier Lemay. 2023. Surviving the System: Justice and Ambiguity in the Aftermath of Sexual Violence. APA Studies on Feminism and Philosophy, 23(1), 31-37.
Marie-Pier Lemay. 2019. Complicit Sisters: Gender and Women’s Issues Across North-South Divides, by Sara de Jong [Book review]. International Feminist Journal of Politics, 1, 159-161.
Marie-Pier Lemay. 2017. Victims’ Stories and the Advancement of Human Rights, by Diana Tietjens Meyers [Book review]. Dialogue, 56(3), 598–600.
Gloria Novovic
Gloria Novovic. 2021. Are SDGs Counting What Counts? Feminist Analysis of Agenda 2030 Policy Shrinking. Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Organizations, 27(3), 366–387.
Gloria Novovic & Rebecca Tatham. 2021. Shifting Frames: Balancing Methodological Inclusivity and Policy Relevance of Feminist Research. International Feminist Journal of Politics, 24(5), 699–720.
Gloria Nonovic. 2021. Canada’s International Assistance: Underfunded Feminist Ambitions. In B. Tomlinson (Ed.), Aid in the Context of Conflict, Fragility, and the Climate Emergency: Reality of Aid 2020/2021 Report, The Reality of Aid International Coordinating Committee, 243-253.
Jacqueline Potvin
Jacqueline Potvin. 2020. Neoliberal Governance, Healthism and Maternal Responsibility under Canada’s Muskoka Initiative. In Levasseur, Paterson & Turnbull (Eds.), Thriving Mothers/Depriving Mothers: Mothering and Welfare, Demeter Press, 167-183.
Jacqueline Potvin. 2019. Governing Adolescent Reproduction in the ‘Developing World’: Biopower and Governmentality in Plan’s ‘Because I’m a Girl’ Campaign. Feminist Review, 122(1), 118-133.
Dominique A. Potvin, Emily Burdfield-Steel, Jacqueline Potvin & Stephen Heap. 2018. Diversity Begets Diversity: a Global Perspective on Gender Equality in Scientific Society Leadership. PLoS ONE, 13(5).
Rebecca Tatham
Gloria Novovic & Rebecca Tatham. 2021. Shifting Frames: Balancing Methodological Inclusivity and Policy Relevance of Feminist Research. International Journal of Feminist Politics, 24(5), 699-720.
Marieka Sax, Jane Stinson, Deborah Stienstra, Leah Levac, and Rebecca Tatham. 2021. Environmental Scan to Identify Domestic and International Good Practices for the Integrations of SGBA+ in Health Impact Assessment. Prepared for Health Canada: Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women.