Selected Publications & Recent Talks
by current and former lab members

Monique Deveaux
Monique Deveaux. 2016. Exploitation, Structural Injustice, and the Cross-Border Trade in Human Ova. The Journal of Global Ethics,12(1), 48-68.
Candace Johnson
Candace Johnson. 2024. Drafting Injustice: Overturning Roe v. Wade, Spillover Effects and Reproductive Rights in Context. Feminist Theory, 25(1), 122–127.
Ebenezer Agyei & Candace Johnson. 2019. The Politics of Global Policy Frames: Reproductive Health and Development in Ghana. Global Health Governance, 9(1&2), 69-85.
Candace Johnson. 2017. Pregnant Woman versus Mosquito: A Feminist Epidemiology of Zika Virus. Journal of International Political Theory, 13(2), 233-250.
Candace Johnson. 2016. Maternal Transition: A North-South Politics of Pregnancy and Childbirth. Routledge.
Jacqueline Potvin
Jacqueline Potvin. 2020. Neoliberal Governance, Healthism and Maternal Responsibility under Canada’s Muskoka Initiative. In Levasseur, Paterson, and Turnbull (Eds.), Thriving Mothers/Depriving Mothers: Mothering and Welfare. Demeter Press, 167-183.
Jacqueline Potvin. 2019. Governing Adolescent Reproduction in the ‘Developing World’: Biopower and Governmentality in Plan’s ‘Because I’m a Girl’ Campaign. Feminist Review, 122(1), 118-133.